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Year 7 Geography Set 1

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the postcode of Benowa SHS?
What is India famous for?
India is famous for curry.
What is his nationality?
He is Korean.
What is his nationality?
He is Canadian.
What is her nationality?
She is French.
What is her nationality?
She is American.
What is the U.S.A famous for?
The U.S.A is famous for hamburgers.
What continent is it?
It is Australia.
What continent is it?
It is Europe.
What continent is it?
It is Asia.
What continent is it?
It is Africa.
What continent is it?
It is South America.
What continent is it?
It is North America.
Name the four compass directions.
North, East, South, West
What is it?
It's a compass.
What is China famous for?
China is famous for pandas.
What is Australia famous for?
Australia is famous for kangaroos.
What is Australia famous for?
Australia is famous for koalas.
What is Australia famous for?
Australia is famous for the Sydney Opera House.
What is Mexico famous for?
Mexico is famous for tacos.
What is China famous for?
China is famous for the Great Wall.
What is the U.S.A famous for?
The U.S.A is famous for the Statue of Liberty.
What is Japan famous for?
Japan is famous for Mt. Fuji.
What is Japan famous for?
Japan is famous for sushi.
What is Italy famous for?
Italy is famous for pasta.
What is France famous for?
France is famous for croissants.
What is her nationality?
She is English.
What is England famous for?
England is famous for Big Ben.
What is France famous for?
France is famous for the Eiffel Tower.
What is Canada famous for?
Canada is famous for the CN tower.
What is Egypt famous for?
Egypt is famous for the Pyramids.
What is Korea famous for?
Korea is famous for kimchi.
What is her nationality?
She is Egyptian.
What is her nationality?
She is Brazilian.
What is his nationality?
He is Chinese.
What is his nationality?
He is Australian.
What flag is it?
It is the Argentinian flag.
What flag is it?
It is the Japanese flag.
What flag is it?
It is the Canadian flag.
What flag is it?
It is the Indian flag.
What flag is it?
It is the Chinese flag.
What flag is it?
It is the French flag.
What flag is it?
It is the Italian flag.
What flag is it?
It is the Korean flag.
What flag is it?
It is the American flag.
What country is it?
It is India.
What country is it?
It is Australia.
What country is it?
It is England.
What country is it?
It is Argentina.
What country is it?
It is Italy.
What country is it?
It is Canada.
What country is it?
It is France.
What country is it?
It is Japan.
What country is it?
It is Egypt.
What country is it?
It is the U.S.A.
What country is it?
It is Brazil.
What country is it?
It is Korea.
What country is it?
It is China.