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Name 2 famous creepy dolls
Chuckie, Annabelle, Pennywise, Slappy Dummy
Which famous slasher has killed the most people throughout his film franchise? Jig Saw, Freddy Krueger, Jason from Friday the 13th, Michael Myers from Halloween
What was the first horror film nominated for a Best Picture Oscar? The Shining, Psycho, The Exorcist, Poltergeist
The Exorcist
How many people associated with The Exorcist died during production? 12, 3, 6, 9
9: By the end of the film's production, nine people associated with its making had passed away
Are pumpkins a fruit or a vegetable?
Which of these would be most useful if a werewolf attacked you? A moon stone crystal, A gun with silver bullets, a wooden stake, a brass bell
gun with silver bullets
In what country is Transylvania located?
Candy question: What order (from top to bottom )are the colors of candy corn?
white, orange, yellow
Guess that Halloween song!
Guess that Halloween song!
Guess that Halloween song!
Guess that Halloween song!
Guess that Halloween song!
Name 3 famous serial killers
Anwers vary but include: Jack the Ripper, Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy, H.H. Holmes, Pedro Lopez, Ted Bundy
What was used for blood in the movie "Psycho"? Ketchup, Corn syrup and food coloring, Chocolate Syrup, Real Blood
Chocolate Syrup
The round orange pumpkins that are used for carving jack-o-lanterns are native to what country/Continent?
Mexico, North America
Candy question: Name 4 chocolate candy bars with NO NUTS
Hersheys classic, Crunch Bar, Three Musketeers bar, Twix, Kit Kat, Kinder Bueno, Milky Way, etc
Name 3 Halloween party appropriate songs (not played thus far in the game)
Answers Vary
In what state of the US is it illegal to dress up as a nun or clergyman? Georgia Wisconsin Alabama Texas
Which phobia does not exist? Samhainophobia- fear of Halloween Wiccaphobia- fear of witches Caramaiziphobia- fear of candy corn Coimetrophobia- fear of cats
Caramaiziphobia- fear of candy corn
What do you sprinkle on your doorstep to keep evil spirits out of your home on Halloween night ?
Candy question: How many colors are there of M&M’s?
Six: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, brown.
What is the name of the Halloween themed Charlie Brown Movie?
Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin
Out of the paranormal activity franchise which movie was the most commercially successful?
Paranormal Activity 3