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Prepositions of time & place

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The park opens (on / in / at) 6:00 (on / in / at) the morning and closes (on / in / at) dusk.
The park opens at 6:00 in the morning and closes at dusk.
I'm going to the cinema (on / in / at) the weekend.
I'm going to the cinema on the weekend.
I'll see you (on / in / at) Thursday afternoon at the institute.
I'll see you on Thurday afternoon at the institute.
This concert occurs every year (on / in / at) June.
This concert occurs every year in June.
The TV show takes place (on / in / at) the 19th centruy (on / in / at) Africa.
The TV show takes place in the 19th century in Africa.
She was born (on / in / at) January 2nd.
She was born on January 2nd.
My mom is not here. She is (on / in / at) work.
My mom is not here. She is at work.
The movie is (on / in / at) Sunday (on / in / at) 8 PM.
The movie is on Sunday at 8 PM.
Where's the cinema? It's (on / in / at) Roca Avenue.
Where's the cinema? It's on Roca Avenue.
I live (on / in / at) Argentina.
I live in Argentina.
I always have lunch (on / in / at) noon.
I always have lunch at noon.
My math class starts (on / in / at) 7 AM.
My math class starts at 7 AM.
Are you free (on / in / at) Saturday morning?
Are you free on Saturday morning?
My birthday is (on / in / at) August 11th.
My birthday is on August 11th.