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8. Adjectives to describe Places

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Barato/a: We found a _______ apartment for rent in the city centre.
We found a *cheap* apartment for rent in the city centre.
Caro/a: The designer handbag she wanted to buy was too _______ for her budget (presupuesto).
The designer handbag she wanted to buy was too *expensive* for her budget.
Estrecho/a: The path through the dense forest was incredibly _______.
The path through the dense forest was incredibly *narrow*.
Ancho/a: The river flowed freely through the ______ valley.
The river flowed freely through the *wide* valley.
Bajo/a: The hills near my town are ______ compared to the high mountains in the distance.
Bajo/a: The hills near my town are *low* compared to the high mountains in the distance.
Alto/a (en lo alto): The mountain peak stood _______ above the surrounding landscape.
The mountain peak stood *high* above the surrounding landscape.
Antiguo/a: The ancient ruins showcased the remnants of an _______ civilization.
The ancient ruins showcased the remnants of an *old* civilization.
Moderno/a: The newly built apartment complex featured sleek and _______ designs.
The newly built apartment complex featured sleek and *modern* designs.
Seguro/a (que estás a salvo): The neighborhood is known for being _______ and secure.
The neighborhood is known for being *safe* and secure.
Tranquilo/a / Silencioso/a: The peaceful park provided a _______ place to relax and read.
The peaceful park provided a *quiet* place to relax and read.
Feo/a: The old building was ______; it had a rough and unappealing appearance.
The old building was *ugly*; it had a rough and unappealing appearance.
Ruidoso/a: The construction site next to my house is very _______ during the day.
The construction site next to my house is very *noisy* during the day.
Sucio/a: The floor of the abandoned house was very ______.
The floor of the abandoned house was very *dirty*.
Interesante: The history museum had many _______ exhibits about ancient civilizations.
The history museum had many *interesting* exhibits about ancient civilizations.
Peligroso/a: It's important to be careful when crossing the road because it can be _______.
It's important to be careful when crossing the road because it can be *dangerous*.
Hermoso/a: The sunset over the ocean was absolutely _______.
The sunset over the ocean was absolutely *beautiful*.