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Will the upcoming NATO Summit in July meet the expactation of the Ukrainian government and people? What is your opinion and explain why?
Tell the funniest news about your country you've ever heard
Instead of building new bombshelters and repairing the existing ones Kyiv Administration spent the sum of 900 000 UAH on purchasing skin-made drums for children. What was you reaction when you heard this news??
The same was mine
Scholz: 'We need to discuss security guarantees for Ukraine.' Do you believe that these talks will end up with real functional guarantees for Ukraine security from the part of the Western Europe?
What is your opinion on petition to Kyv City Administration to establish the monument to shark that ate Russian tourist in Egypt?
I can't but agree
Do you believe that Ukrainian pilots can be easily taught to fly F-16 jets? What challenges can they meet?
putin claims Ukraine counter-offensive is failing. Kyiv paints absolutely a different picture - of pushing Russian troops back in the east and south-east. How can a foreigner not get lost in such a contradictive news?
What do you think about moving Russia's nuclear arms to Belarus?
Nothing to add there
What do you think about claim of Zelensky, that recently-used Russian missiles had foreign-made components
I totally agree