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7. Holidays

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Riddle: It's a building where local government officials work. Important decisions and administrative tasks are carried out there. What is it?
The town hall (el ayuntamiento)
Riddle: It's a place for young people to socialize, engage in activities, and have fun together. What is it?
A youth club (un centro/club juvenil)
Riddle: It's a venue where large sporting events, concerts, and other performances take place. People gather there for entertainment and excitement. What is it?
A stadium (un estadio)
Riddle: It's a place dedicated to sports and physical activities. People go there to exercise, play games, and stay fit. What is it?
A sports centre (un centro deportivo)
Riddle: it's a structure that commemorates an event, person, or historical significance. People visit it to learn and remember. What is it?
A monument (un monumento)
Riddle: It's a structure that sprays water into the air, creating a beautiful display. People gather around me to admire and relax, and sometimes you can drink from it. What is ir?
A fountain (una fuente)
Riddle: It's a structure that connects two sides. People walk or drive over it to reach the other side. What is it?
A bridge (un puente)
How do you say "centro comercial" in English?
Shopping centre
How do you say "grandes almacenes" in English?
Department store
How do you say "biblioteca" in English?
How do you say "librería" in English?
How do you say "galeria de arte" in English? 
Art gallery
Hacer snorkel/buceo: We ______ _______ in the crystal-clear waters of Thailand.
We went snorkelling in the crystal-clear waters of Thailand.
Hacer snowboard: I ______ ______ during winter my holidays in the Alps.
I *went snowboarding* during winter my holidays in the Alps.
Comprar regalos/recuerdos: I always _______   _______ /______ for my family when I go on vacation.
I always *buy gifts/souvenirs* for my family when I go on vacation.
Visitar/Darse una vuelta/echar un vistazo a un mercado: We enjoyed _______-ing _______ the market, filled with local crafts and delicious food.
We enjoyed *looking around* the market, filled with local crafts and delicious food.
Hacer turismo: We went ________ and exploring the historic landmarks of the city.
We went *sightseeing* and exploring the historic landmarks of the city.
Alquilar una bici: It's a great idea to _____ a bike and explore the city at your own pace.
It's a great idea to *hire* a bike and explore the city at your own pace.
Pasar el rato: During my holiday, I plan to ______ ______ with my friends and have a great time together.
During my holiday, I plan to *hang out* with friends and have a great time together.
Hacer fotos: I always ______  ______ to capture the memories of my travels and share them with others.
I always *take photos* to capture the memories of my travels and share them with others.