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What can I do??

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You took a joke too far and people are angry with you.
Own your mistake and apologize.
Why is it sometimes hard to stand up for someone.
Doing the right thing is sometimes hard.
You heard someone make fun of a persons skin colour.
That is never OK!! Say something or let an adult know.
Two of your friends are saying mean things about another person.
Walk away, don't get involved.
Somebody you don't really like (for no reason) wants to play with you.
Try it out. If you still don't feel comfortable be polite and leave.
You are in a really cranky mood and people keep asking you to play?
Be honest tell them you are cranky.
You got pushed in the hallway and nearly fell over.
Keep calm, maybe it was an accident.
Somebody told you that you smell bad.
Check yourself. Sometimes people say things that seem hurtful to help.
You heard that people were saying mean things about you.
It may not be true so talk it out.
Do you need to play with someone who is saying mean things to you.
No!!! We always try to include but make sure you are true to yourself!!
Your friend apologized but you are still angry and are not ready to forgive.
That is OK!!! You don't have to accept it until you are ready.
Nobody wants to play with you at recess.
Find someone else to play with.
All your friends were invited to a birthday party and you were not.
It is ok to have hurt feelings.
You loose the game.
You can't win them all.
If your friends are having a play date and you are not invited?
Think maybe next time.