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ESOL Entry 2 End of Year Quiz

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I .... to keep fit and I .... junk food.
I like to keep fit and I don't eat junk food.
I …. at 7 o’clock every day.
I get up at 7 o’clock every day.
Tonight, we …… to the cinema.
Tonight, we are going to the cinema.
Today, I …………. a red jumper.
Today, I am wearing a red jumper.
What is the past simple of “fly”?
Can you write on your hand in the exams?
Can you wear a smartwatch or use your phone in the exam?
Do you need to bring your ID card to the exam?
How do you finish an email to a friend?
See you soon! Lots of love, or Best wishes, (then your name)
How do you start an email to a friend?
“Dear Anna” or “Hi Anna”
Can you use erasable pens or correction fluid?
What colour of pen should you use for the Reading and Writing exams?
blue or black ink
In the Entry 2 Writing Exam, how many different adjectives do you need to use?
At least two.
In the Entry 2 Writing Exam, how many compound sentences do you need to write?
At least two.
What is the past simple of “go”?
What is the past simple of “walk”?
What is the past simple of “teach”?
What is the past simple of “write”?
What is the past simple of “buy”?
What is the past simple of “leave”?
What is the past simple of “see”?
What is the superlative adjective of “bad”?
the worst
What is the comparative adjective of “good”?
What is the question?..After class, I take my dog for a walk.
What do you do after class?
What's the question?...She plays tennis every morning.
When does she play tennis?
What's the question?...After dinner, we always watch a film on TV.
What do you do in the evening?
What's the question?...My brother starts college at 9.15 every day.
What time does your brother start college?
What's the question? ...Those keys are mine.
Whose keys are those?
What's the question?...My parents come from the south of Korea.
Where do your parents come from?
What's the question? ...She lives in Berlin.
Where does she live?
What's the time?
3.40 or twenty to four
What's the time?
6.55 or five to seven
What's the time?
12.45 or quarter to one
What's the time?
12.15 or quarter past twelve
What's the time?
1.10 or ten past one
What's the time?
11.55 or five to twelve
Every summer, my parents travel to France _____ visit their friends.
On Saturdays I don't have to go to work _____ I get up late.
On Saturdays I get up late _____ I don't have to go to work.
My sister enjoys her job _____ she dislikes the long hours. ​
At the weekend, I don’t use my laptop _____ my phone. ​
I missed the bus _____ I was late for college today.
I was late for college today _____ I missed the bus.​
I like going to the gym____I don’t like the running machine.​
What is the nationality for China?
What is the nationality for Ireland?
What is the nationality for Japan?
What is the nationality for Italy?
What is the nationality for Poland​?
What is the nationality for Spain?