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Comparatives - Find the Mistakes

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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His bike is smaller than my bike.
it's ok.
It is windier  than yesterday.
She happyer than me.
She is happier than me.
they  is  more beautiful than me
they  are more beautiful than me
Shrek's swamp is clean than any swamp
Shrek's swamp is cleaner than any swamp
I run more fastly than her.
I run faster than her
Mike is more funny than Isaac.
Mike is funnier than Isaac.
This cave is dark
It's ok
go over the bridge is more difficult than go under it
His dog is more large than my cat.
His dog is larger than my cat.
My house is more bigger than his house.
My house is bigger than his house.
 sports are more funny than music.
sports are funnier than music.
go through the forest is more danger than go through the valley
go through the forest is more dangerous than go through the valley
This pizza isn’t as good Alfie’s.
This pizza isn't as good as Alfie's.
He’s a lot taller you.
He's a lot taller than you
I am more inteligent than yesterday.
It's ok