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Mitzvos asaeh shezman gramah woen

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According to Kabbalah why shouldn't a woman drink the wine from Havdalah?
It is possible that the eitz hadas was a grape and they were expelled from Gan Eden on Motzi Shaboss
Is it preferable for woman to make her own Havdalah ?
It is better she hears it from a man but if none is available she can make it for herself
True or False women are not obligated to drink the four cups of wine during the seder
True or false women are obligated to eat matzah at the Pesach seder
True or False women are only obligated to hear the megillah at night not during the day?
Are women required to hear the megillah on Purim?
Name the different minhagim that women have when light the Chanukah candles
She may light for herself or she may fulfil the mitzvah through her father or husbands lighting
If there isn't a man around can a woman make kiddush for herself on shabbos?
Are women required to hear the Shofar on Rosh Hashanah?
Are women requried to wear tzizts on a daliy basis?
Are women required to wear tefillin?