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3. School

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Horario: Check your _______ to see the schedule for your classes.
Check your *timetable* to see the schedule for your classes.
Reglas/Normas: It's important to follow the _______ to maintain a positive learning environment.
It's important to follow the *rules* to maintain a positive learning environment.
Ubicado/a: The school is _______ in the heart of the city.
The school is *located* in the heart of the city.
Instalaciones: The school has excellent _______, including a library and a sports complex.
The school has excellent *facilities*, including a library and a sports complex.
Aula: We all gathered in the _______ for the lesson.
We all gathered in the *classroom* for the lesson.
Dinero: We learned about personal finance and managing _______ wisely.
We learned about personal finance and managing *money* wisely.
Tecnología de los alimentos: _______ class teaches students about food production and nutrition.
*Food technology* class teaches students about food production and nutrition.
Escritura creativa: The _______ workshop allows students to explore their imagination through writing.
The *creative writing* workshop allows students to explore their imagination through writing.
Programación informática: _______ involves writing code to create software and applications.
*Computer programming* involves writing code to create software and applications.
Habilidades de comunicación: _______ are essential for effective interaction with others.
*Communication skills* are essential for effective interaction with others.
_______ class explores the fundamental laws and principles that govern the universe.
*Physics* class explores the fundamental laws and principles that govern the universe.
Playing an instrument is a wonderful way to express emotions through _______.
Playing an instrument is a wonderful way to express emotions through *music*.
_______ problems help develop logical and analytical thinking.
*Math/Maths* problems help develop logical and analytical thinking.
The _______ class focuses on computer skills and programming.
The *IT* class focuses on computer skills and programming.
_______ class teaches us about the past events and their impact on the present.
*History* class teaches us about the past events and their impact on the present.
We studied the different landforms and climates in _______ class.
We studied the different landforms and climates in *geography* class.
Learning _______ opens doors to new cultures and opportunities.
Learning *English/French/foreign languages...* opens doors to new cultures and opportunities.
We conducted exciting _______ experiments in the laboratory.
We conducted exciting *chemistry* experiments in the laboratory.
_______ class involves studying living organisms and their interactions in the natural world.
*Biology* class involves studying living organisms and their interactions in the natural world.
She enjoys expressing her creativity in _______ lessons. .
She enjoys expressing her creativity in *art* lessons. .