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IELTS Writing Task 2: synonyms to key words
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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name 3 synonyms of 'because'
due to, since, as, as a result of, thanks to
name 2 synonyms of "thrive"
flourish, bloom, advance, prosper
name 3 synonyms of ‘serious’
major, urgent, critical, important
name 3 synonyms of "observe"
note, remark, detect, spot, notice, watch, see, view
name 2 synonyms of ‘help’
Assist, Encourage, Aid, Relieve, Support
name 3 synonyms of ‘have’
utilize, possess, keep, retain, maintain, hold
name 3 synonyms of "important"
vital, essential, critical, significant
name a synonym of "end"
terminate, conclude, ruin
name a synonym of "begin"
commence, initiate, start
name 3 synonyms of "answer"
respond, reaction, reply, solution
name 3 synonyms of "accomplish"
fulfill, achieve, perform, attain, execute
name 3 synonyms of "do"
accept, accumulate, collect, derive, earn, find, gain, gather, obtain, procure, secure, win
name a synonym of "children"
the youth, the young, minors , juveniles
name 3 synonyms of "bad"
corrupt, defective, deficient, horrible, immoral, imperfect, improper, inappropriate, infamous, unpleasant, unsuitable, wrong
name 3 synonyms of "good"
advantageous, beneficial, capable, excellent, favorable, fine, genuine, obedient, proper, qualified, satisfactory, suitable, suited
name 3 synonyms of "get"
accept, accumulate, collect, derive, earn, find, gain, gather, glean, obtain, procure, regain, secure, win,
what are the three synonyms of "benefit"?
advantage, merit, positive influence, perk
What are the three synonyms of "disadvantage"?
drawback, demerit, consequence
three other expressions of "result in"
lead to, end up with, as a consequence
three ways of "believe"
contend, support, opine, argue, advocate
give three synonyms of "problem"
issue, unwanted result, drawback, disadvantage, matter
give three synonyms of "solution"
method, approach, way