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Rainbow 4 Unit 1

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Переведите: my cousins` piano
пианино моих двоюродных сестер
Переведите: my daughters` dogs
собаки моих дочерей
Переведите: the birds` colour
цвет птиц
Переведите: my cousin`s piano
пианино моей двоюродной сестры
Переведите: my daughter`s dogs
собаки моей дочери
Переведите: the bird`s colour
цвет птицы
(What/When/Where/Why/Who) does she watch old films? -She likes them.
Why does she watch old films?
(What/When/Where/Why/Who) do they go in the morning? -To school.
Where do they go in the morning?
(What/When/Where/Why/Who) books does he like to read? -English and Russian books.
What books does he like to read?
(What/When/Where/Why/Who) do you see by the lake? -Mr Webster.
Who do you see by the lake?
(What/When/Where/Why/Who) does she drink milk? - In the evening.
When does she drink milk?
Do/Does lions and tigers live in Africa?
Do lions and tigers live in Africa?
What books do/does your cousin like to read?
What books does your cousin like to read?
Why do/does Sally often watch old films?
Why does Sally often watch old films?
Do/Does they have brothers or sisters?
Do they have brothers or sisters?
Where do/does John Finn swim?
Where does John Finn swim?
Do/Does you have friends at school?
Do you have friends at school?
Переведите слово: work
Переведите слово: interesting
Переведите слово: usually
Переведите слово: sometimes
Переведите слово: often
Переведите слово: never
Переведите слово: always
Переведите слово: daughter
Переведите слово: programme
Переведите слово: cousin
двоюродный брат/двоюродная сестра
Переведите слово: who
Переведите слово: why
Переведите слово: where
Переведите слово: when
Переведите слово: what