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beg your pardon

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You spilled your drink on your girl/boyfriend.
Whoops! My bad!
You think someone said your name.
Excuse me?...
You want ask forgiveness from boss about a big mistake.
I apologize
You want to ask forgiveness from your grandmother on Yom Kippur.
I'm sorry
You need to ask a policeman where is the tourist information.
Excuse me?...
You work in a store and an angry customer complained you didn't give them enough change.
I apologize
You and your uncle are fixing something and you handed him the wrong tool.
Whoops! My bad!
When you think someone called you a bad name or offended you.
You are a waiter and you have to tell a hungry woman that her sandwich isn't ready yet.
I apologize
You need the waiter to pay attention to you
Excuse me/ pardon me?...
You got caught cheating on a test
I apologize
You accidentally stepped on your first date's shoes when dancing.
I'm sorry
You farted next to your best friend
Whoops! My bad!
You don't know where to go and need directions
Excuse me?..
You need to get on the bus
excuse me?..
You forgot to do your homework
I apologize
You forgot to clean your room
I'm sorry
You farted in a fancy restaurant
I apologize
You slipped and fell on a stranger
I'm sorry: