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The Brain Battle (6th graders)

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or false? We use Present Perfect for completed actions in the past.
How do we form adverbs?
Adjective + ly
Geographical feature. A hole in the side of a hill or under the ground.
Geographical feature. The low land between two mountains or hills which often has a river running through it.
Name at least 3 containers
loaf, box, can, etc.
.... gases, like carbon dioxide, are bad for the environment.
The temperature on Earth is rising because of .....
Global warming
Tell the odd word. Do homework, your hair, a mistake, your best, well.
A mistake
... a person who works for no payment.
... when you protest against something by refusing to go to school or work.
... a small window in a roof.
... a house that is not joined to any other house.
Detached house
... an underground room that is used for storing things. (Br.E)
.... a house that is all on one level, without stairs.
Complete: We use .............. to compare two people or things.
Comparative adjectives
Name at least 2 determiners.
A lot of, much, many, etc.
What article/s do we use with professions?
What article/s do we use for something that was mentioned before?
Name the tense. We use it for background descriptions, esp.in stories.
The Past Continuous
Name the tense. We use it for a completed past action or a past state.
The Past Simple
Name the tense. We use it for planned future arrangements.
The Present Continuous
Name the tense. We use it for general truths and facts.
The Present Simple
Name the tense we started in September.
The Past Simple
How many units did we finish this year?(from Insight)
What's the name of our Student Book/Workbook?