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ULS MS Summer 2023 Vocab

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(1.)  Ocean.         (2.)  Coral.    OR. (3.) Algae.       
(3.) Algae.       
(1.)  Water.     (2.) Beach.        OR. (3.) Shell.       
(2.) Beach.    
(1.) Boat.       (2.)  Whale        OR. (3.)  Beach.        
(1.) Boat.   
(1.)  Sand.        (2.)  Beach.        OR. (3.) Coral.        
(3.) Coral. 
(1.) Whale         (2.) Fish.       OR. (3.)  Algae.      
(2.) Fish.   
(1.) Ocean.         (2.)  Water.     OR. (3.)  Coral.    
(1.) Ocean.  
(1.)  Swim.       (2.)  Shell.       OR. (3.) Sand.        
(3.) Sand. 
(1.)  Algae.      (2.) Shell.       OR. (3.)  Sand.        
(2.) Shell.  
(1.) Swim.       (2.)  Wave.      OR. (3.) Fish.       
(1.) Swim.    
(1.) (2.)  Wave.      OR. (3.) Water.       
(3.) Water.  
(1.)  Swim.       (2.) Wave.       OR. (3.) Boat.       
(2.) Wave. 
(1.) Whale        (2.)  Ocean.         OR. (3.) Boat.       
(1.) Whale        
(1.)  to move through water by moving the body.     ------OR------ (2.) living things that grow in water or on rocks and trees.     
ALGAE ARE (2.) living things that grow in water or on rocks and trees.    
(1.) sandy land along the ocean.    ------OR------ (2.) very small pieces of rocks and shells found on beaches or in deserts. 
A BEACH IS (1.) sandy land along the ocean.   
(1.) a clear liquid that covers most of the Earth.  ------OR------ (2.) a vehicle used to move across water.    
A BOAT IS (2.) a vehicle used to move across water.    
(1.) animals that live in the ocean and stay in one place.    ------OR------ (2.) living things that grow in water or on rocks and trees.     
CORAL ARE (1.) animals that live in the ocean and stay in one place.   
(1.)  animals that live in the ocean and stay in one place. ------OR------ (2.) an animal that lives in water and breathes using gills.    
FISH IS (2.) an animal that lives in water and breathes using gills.    
(1.) a large body of salt water on Earth.    ------OR------ (2.)  sandy land along the ocean.  
OCEAN IS (1.) a large body of salt water on Earth. 
(1.) a hard covering of an animal that can be found on a beach.   ------OR------ (2.) very small pieces of rocks and shells found on beaches or in deserts.    
SAND IS (2.) very small pieces of rocks and shells found on beaches or in deserts.    
(1.) a hard covering of an animal that can be found on a beach.    ------OR------ (2.) a very large marine mammal.  
SHELL IS (1.) a hard covering of an animal that can be found on a beach. 
(1.) a vehicle used to move across water.    ------OR------ (2.) to move through water by moving the body.    
SWIM MEANS (2.) to move through water by moving the body.    
(1.) a clear liquid that covers most of the Earth.   ------OR------ (2.) the movement of water caused by wind.  
WATER IS (1.) a clear liquid that covers most of the Earth.  
(1.)  an animal that lives in water and breathes using gills.    ------OR------ (2.) a very large marine mammal.   
A WHALE IS (2.) a very large marine mammal.   
(1.)  the movement of water caused by wind.   ------OR------ (2.)  a large body of salt water on Earth.  
A WAVE IS (1.)  the movement of water caused by wind. Â