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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is this place?
Chemistry lab
What is this place?
What is this place?
Computer lab
What is this place?
What is this place?
Lunch room
What is this place?
What animals can´t we see in Goiania´s zoo?
In Goiania´s zoo we can´t see ...
What animals are there in Goiania´s zoo?
In Goiania´s zoo there are ...
can you talk about the Amazon forest?
Animals, Food, Production.
What can Tigers eat? Where do they live? What can they do?
Tigers can eat different animals. Tigers live in rainforests in Asia. Tigers can run, jump, swim.
What´s your favorite animal? give information about it.
My favorite animal is ... (info)
What can you do in the music room? (art room, classroom, playground)
In the ... I can ...
Can you describe your school?
(subjects, rooms...)
What´s your school´s name?
My school´s name is ...
What´s your mom wearing today? How about your dad?
Today, my mom´s wearing ...., and my dad´s wearing ...
What clothes do you never wear?Why?
I never wear ..., because ...
What are your favorite clothes?
My favorite clothes are ...
What do you wear to go to school?
To go to school I wear ... / I wear ... to go to school
What are you wearing now?
Now, I´m wearing ....
What do Americans usually have for breakfast?
Americans usually have ... for breakfast.
What do Brazilians usually have for breakfast?
Brazilians usually have ... for breakfast.
What do you have for dinner?
I have ... for dinner / For dinner, I have ...
What do you have for lunch?
I have ... for lunch / For lunch, I have ...
What do you have for breakfast?
I have ... for breakfast / For breakfast, I have ...
What time do you have English classes?
I have English classes at ...
Compare schools in Brazil and Japan.
Schools in Brazil .... but schools in Japan
Is your dad worried today?
Yes, my dad´s worried today / No, my dad´s not worried today.
How is your mom today?
Today, my mom is ... (happy, sad, hungry...)
What´s your mom´s name? How old is she?
My mom´s name is ... / She is ... (years old)
How do you spell your lat name?
My last name spells ...
What´s your full name?
My full name is ...