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Funny experience

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Have you ever been practicing a dance routine and accidentally tripped over your own feet?
How long have you been attempting to break a bad habit but finding yourself succumbing to its allure over and over again?
Have you ever been trying to take a scenic photo and been photobombed by a seagull, a squirrel or your friends stealing the spotlight?
How many times have you accidentally sent a text message or an email to the wrong person, leading to a rather awkward and confusing conversation?
How long have you been procrastinating on a project and coming up with increasingly creative excuses for why it's not finished yet?
Have you ever been cooking a new recipe and ended up setting off the smoke alarm, creating a mini fireworks show in your kitchen?
How many times have you lost your balance and fallen in public, trying to play it cool as if you meant to do a spontaneous dance move?
Have you ever been on a camping trip and discovered that you forgot to pack a crucial item, like a tent or a sleeping bag?
Have you ever been telling a joke and forgotten the punchline, leaving everyone around you in a state of confusion?
How long have you been trying to grow a plant, but it keeps wilting despite your best efforts to keep it alive?
Have you ever been dancing like nobody's watching and then discovered that someone was indeed watching and recorded your moves?
How many times have you lost your keys or your phone and found them in the most unexpected places, like the refrigerator or the laundry basket?
Have you ever been singing in the shower and suddenly realized your family or roommates were listening outside the bathroom door?
How many times have you caught yourself talking to your pets as if they understand every word you say?
Have you ever lost your luggage during a trip?
Have you ever taken a trip solely for the purpose of enjoying breathtaking scenery and ended up with hundreds of stunning photographs?
Have you ever been on a journey where you got lost and ended up in a completely different city?
Have you ever taken a flight and realized you forgot to pack your toothbrush?
Have you been collecting unique souvenirs and creating a memorable collection from your travels?
Have you been visiting historic sites and learning about their rich heritage during your travels?
How long have you been renting a car in a foreign country?
How long have you been traveling and exploring new destinations without taking a break?