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Basic Nutrition Trivia

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True or False: you can find minerals in eggs and fruit
True or False: olive oil is protein
False. Olive oil is fat
True or False: Pasta is carbs
True or False: nuts are minerals.
False. Nuts are protein
True or False: Tuna and Chicken are protein.
True False? Protein: potatoes and bread?
False. Potatoes and bread are carbs
_____% of human body w______ is water.
62%, weight
Without enough water you will be d______, and start to feel t_____ and won't be able to c_______.
dehydrated, tired, concentrate
Water helps improve b_______ function and m_______.
brain, mood
Water is c__________ for everything in our body.
There are ____ vitamins that our body needs.
Vitamins are important to help us stay h_____, fight off d________, gr_____ and develop.
healthy, diseases, grow
Zinc helps w_____ to h______ and boosts the im_______ system
wounds, heal, immune
Calcium helps maintain b_______ pr_________
blood pressure
Name the 3 most common minerals.
Calcium, iron, zinc.
Minerals help support the body in building strong b____ and t_____, staying h_____ and controlling me______
bones, teeth, hydrated, metabolism
Each day, _____ % of our calories should come from fats.
Fats help our bodies with m_______ movement, absorbing v_______ and m_______, blood cl______ and building c______.
muscle, vitamins and minerals, clotting, cells.
Fats are important to a balanced d_______
Carbs should make up ________ % of the total c______ that we eat each day.
45-65%, calories
Carbs help the n______ system protect us against d_________
nervous, diseases
Carbohydrates give us energy and f_____ our body.
Too many fats can h______ our health.
Protein is really important to help us g_____ and m_______our health.
grow, maintain
Protein helps s________ your cells, bones, sk_____ and m________.
strengthen, skin, muscles