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empower b1 + unit 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why don't you ___ for a job as a journalist a. interview b. apply c. experience
My brother got excellent______at school a. grades b. CV c. experience
I have fifteen years' ___in hotel management a. grades b. CV c. experience
When you write a___, it's best to put all the information on a maximum of 2 pages a. grades b. CV c. apply
They've invited me for an ___next week a. apply b. inteview c. charge
I work in a ___ of five people a. team b. career c. charge
Philip has just been promoted. He's now in ___of the marketing department of work a. apply b. inteview c. charge
My uncle had a long___in the army a. team b. career c. charge
I've got good problem- solving a. skill, so I can usually find a solution when things go b. over 2000 employers in their new car factory c. business contacts from other organisations
I've been a teacher for 20 years so i've got a lot of a. skill, so I can usually find a solution when things go b. over 2000 employers in their new car factory c. experience in education
He's studying photography at university and he'd like to have a. skill, so I can usually find a solution when things go b. experience in education c. a career in television or films
Honda are one of the biggest employers in the region, with a. skill, so I can usually find a solution when things go b. over 2000 employers in their new car factory c. business contacts from other organisations
She's a manager now and she's in charge of a. skill, so I can usually find a solution when things go b. over 2000 employers in their new car factory c. a team of five sales presentation
At conferences, I try to meet lots of people. It's good to have a. skill, so I can usually find a solution when things go b. over 2000 employers in their new car factory c. business contacts from other organisations
We've invited four of the candiadates for a. a second interview next Monday and Tuesday b. a career in TV or films c. skill, so I can usually find a solution when things go wrong
Steve and Kevin both applied for a. a career in TV or films b. the job but only Kevin was invited for an interview c. skill, so I can usually find a solution when things go wrong