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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Tom: "I am sick, so I'm not going to the party."
Tom said that he was sick, so he wasn't going to the party.
Jane: "I want to buy a car."
Jane said she wanted to buy a car.
Who SAID \ TOLD the mall was closed? It isn't!
You SAID \ TOLD you would be late to the class!
Sam SAID \ TOLD she'd call her father.
The passenger SAID \ TOLD the driver that she didn't want to take the 5th avenue.
They SAID \ TOLD they weren't coming to the meeting.
My doctor SAID \ TOLD me I wasn't sick.
She said: "I'm tired, so I won't come."
She said she was tired, so she wouldn't come.
He thought: "They haven't remembered my birthday."
He thought that they hadn't remembered his birthday.
She said: "I've done my homework."
She said that she had done her homework.
They said: "We're leaving at 10.
They said that they were leaving at 10