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In which country is the Atacama desert?
It's in Chile
True or False . Cool coastal deserts are found near mountains.
True or False. Not all the deserts are sandy. Only 10% of them
True or False. There are three kinds of deserts. They are cold and dry, hot coastal and semi-arid.
Name two facts about the Antartica desert
Most of the water in this desert is ice and there is not much life there.
Name one characteristic of the Atacama desert
Some years, the Atacama desert gets no rain.
What's the name of an important desert in South America?
Atacama Desert
Name other deserts besides the Sahara
Gobi, Arabian, Mojave, Atacama and Antartica.
What's the name of the biggest non-polar desert? Where is it?
It's the Sahara , located in North Africa.
Only three continents have deserts.
Only pollution is putting deserts in danger making them hotter and drier.
Animals and plants have adapted to live in the desert
True or False? Deserts can only be hot