Edit Game
Focus 4 Review units 1-4

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the difference between defining and non-defining clauses? (use/punctuation/examples)
What are reduced relative clauses?
What is the difference between Past Perfect Simple and Past Perfect Continuous? (form + meaning)
What are verb patterns? (name them, give examples)
Talk about future tenses (forms + meanings)
What are tag questions? (structure, use, exceptions)
I didn’t get the job. They told me that I don’t _____________ ____________ but I should apply again in a year.
meet the requirements
We’ve got a _____________ ____________ so you can stay with us when you come to London.
spare room
He’s always had a ______________________ _________. That’s how he can write such brilliant stories.
vivid imagination
She’s just a _____________ _______________. I don’t know her that well at all.
casual acquaintance
What do you call a person who studies very hard and likes to please the teacher?
A swot
What do you use to talk about past habits?
used to/ would/ Past Simple
I’d rather work in the f_________ (area of interest) of technology than finances.
What do you use to talk about past states?
used to/ Past Simple
What do you use to talk about annoying repeated actions in the present?
Present Continuous
What do you need to to to remember something?
Jog your memory
If you are so familiar with something that you can do it easily without needing to think very much about it, it is ...
second nature to you
If you buy something nice for yourself, you ..
treat yourself to it.
If you stay calm in a difficult situation, you ...
keep a cool head
If you do the things that you advise other people to do, you ...
practise what you preach
something on sale at a lower price than its true value is ...
a bargain
If you haven't planned to buy something but actually did it, it's called ...
an impulse purchase
to be ready to think quickly in a situation and react to things that you are not expecting means to...
keep your wits about you
What are three basic conviniences all modern houses have?
central heating/ running water/ electricity
Give three prases meaning 'rich'
with money to burn/ rolling in money/ be well-off/ be loaded
Give three prases meaning 'poor'
be broke/ be short of money/ live from hand to mouth/make ends meet
If you want to do a course, you need to ...
enroll on it
responsibility, integrity, honesty, respect, trust are ...
ethical values
a regular journey
daily commute
The opposite of newly-built