Edit Game
End of term Focus 2

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Kelly _________ (work) for the Southland Bank since last year.
has worked
you / ever / meet / anyone famous?
Have you ever met anyone famous?
How many languages / your parents / speak?
How many languages do your parents speak?
you / used to / play football / when / you / be / a child?
Did you use to play football when you were a child?
What / your sister / do / today?
What is your sister doing today?
The students ____________ (not work) when the teacher walked back into the classroom, so she was cross.
weren't working
Our dog __________ (lie) in his basket when he suddenly heard a noise.
was lying
The weather ___________ (be) nice last Sunday – really warm!
I _____________ (chat) with my friends after I arrived at the café.
Dad was busy working, so he _____________ (not hear) me open the front door.
didn't hear
Would you prefer ____________ (go) out or stay at home tonight?
Sophie loves that dress in the window, but she can’t afford ___________ (buy) it.
to buy
I don’t mind ____________ (help) you with the party, if you want.
I hope you managed _________ (finish) all your homework.
to finish
Max spent an hour __________ (fix) his bike yesterday.
In your opinion, what was the greatest ______ of the twentieth century? a) battery b) credit card c)discovery d)events e)keyboard f)password g)radar h)text messages
c) discovery
Millions of people followed the ____________ on television. a) battery b) credit card c)discovery d)events e)keyboard f)password g)radar h)text messages
I never use my mobile to call people, but I send lots of __________ . a) battery b) credit card c)discovery d)events e)keyboard f)password g)radar h)text messages
h)text messages
If your ________ is dead, you won’t be able to make calls on your mobile phone. a) battery b) credit card c) radar
Martin upsets people sometimes with the things he says. He can be a bit __________ .Use prefix + word a) selfish b) sensitive c) cooperative
Bill sang better than Jan, but she won the singing contest. That was _________ . Use prefix + word a) popular b) honest c) fair
Tim often refuses to work with others. He’s quite ______________ Use prefix + word: a) cooperative b) loyal c) selfish
John was _______________ and didn’t tell his parents the truth. Use prefix and the correct word: a) cooperative b) fair c) honest