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Final review Math 7

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The temperature at noon was 15.4 degrees. BY midnight it decreased 19.1 degrees. What was the temperature at midnight
What is the sum of (3x + y) and (-5x + 4y)
-2x + 5y
There are 291 students in Toms school and 116 are in sixth grade. What is the approximate percent
Write the expression seven less than one fourth a number
1/4 x - 7
Solve: 2(2n + n) = 66
A tree has a height of 6.1 inches. If the scale in 1in to 50 ft. What is the actual height
305 ft
Write the expression. Josh pays a carpenter x dollars per hour for a 7 hour job plus $56 for parts
7x + 56
Describe the two things needed for a graph to be proportional
1. goes through the origin 2. a straight line
What is the mode of the data 18, 15, 17, 13, 15, 17, 22, 15, 36
An art teacher mixes 20 ounces of blue paint with 5 ounces yellow paint. How many ounces of blue paint does she need to mix with 8 ounces of yellow paint
Angelina wants to solve 4x - 6 = 14. What's the first step Angelina should do?
Add 6 to both sides
A crew pays 2 and 1/2 miles of highway in 1 and 3/5 hours. What is this unit rate
1 9/16
Chris's cats eat 56 ounces of food a week. How many pounds of food do chris's cats eat in one week if 1 pound = 16 ounces
Evaluate n squared times 3 - 2 if n = 4
Aileen takes a bus tour. The cost of the bus was $72. She paid 18% of the cost as a tip. How much was the tip to the busdriver
The measure of angle F is 22. What is the measure of angle that is complementary
Evaluate (-8/10 + 0.35) divide by (0.125)
Simplify 12c + 6 - 7c - 1
5c + 5