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Social Skills

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When I feel really upset, I might try to ______. List 3 things.
Take deep breaths, count to 10, talk about it, drink water, take a break.
When I feel really frustrated, I might try to __________. (list 3 things)
Take deep breaths, count to 10, talk about it, drink water, take a break.
What is one of your superpowers?
What is one of your superpowers?
What is one of your superpowers?
What is one of your superpowers?
Say something kind to the person you feel least close to today.
What are things that make you feel bored?
Tell us a time you felt proud of yourself.
Describe a time you were kind to someone.
When was a time you laughed so hard that your stomach hurt?
Is it okay to have the wrong answer?
Sometimes learning involves getting things wrong, and that's okay!
What makes you feel sad?
What makes you nervous?
You see a classmate making fun of a friend. What can you do?
Tell them that it's not nice to make fun of others, and make sure the friend is okay.
You LOSE at playing a game. What do you say?
Something that is kind and respectful of other players' feelings
Tell us about a time you were brave:
Your friend seems mad at you and you do not know why. What can you say to your friend?
I noticed that you seem upset with me, is everything okay?
What makes you happy?
You see a classmate looking sad. What do you say?
Is everything okay / Do you want to talk about it / How can I help you?
Which is more helpful during a conflict: Yelling OR Staying Calm? Why?
Staying calm...
You WIN at playing a game, what do you say?
Be kind and respectful of other players' feelings
When I apologize, I don't really have to mean it. I just have to say it.
Apologizing and meaning what you say help others see that you are thinking about their feelings.
Is it okay to get upset or angry?
Getting upset is a natural feeling that everyone experiences. Make sure you have helpful strategies to make yourself feel better!
When I become upset, what are things I can do?
Take deep breaths, count to 10, talk about it, drink water, take a break.Â