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Mesopotamia Chapter 1-4

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What was the Code of Hammurabi?
A collection of laws written by Hammurabi which applied to all his citizens
Who was Hammurabi?
A great Mesopotamian king
What was an important weapon of war used by Mesopotamian kings?
The Chariot
What did ancient Mesopotamians use to write their language and what did they write on?
They used reeds to make marks on wet clay
What was the world's first written language created by the ancient Mesopotamians?
What does "Mesopotamia" mean?
The land between the rivers
How was Mesopotamian civilization different from previous Hunter-Gatherer societies?
They Lived in large cities, they grew crops and raised animals for food, different people did different jobs and traded for the food they needed, they had Kings
What were the large temples in Mesopotamian cities called?
a Ziggurat
Why were the rivers so important for Mesopotamian civilization?
They Provided rich soil, access to water for drinking, fishing, Irrigating crops, and made transporting people and goods much easier
What were the 2 important rivers in Mesopotamia?
The Tigris and Euphrates rivers