Edit Game
Grade 8 ILSW Unit 2 Lesson 2

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In the afternoon, the farmers have to ______ the buffalo and go home for dinner.
I have many _______ at home. They are colorful and can spin around for 1 minute!
spinning tops
My sister usually _________ in the park in the weekend. It's good for your health.
jump ropes
We often play ________ with the kids. It's fun!
tug of war
That orange looks good. Let's ________ it and eat it.
I like playing ______ games like "bit mat bat de" with my friends in the village.
Saigon is my ___________. I was born and raised there.
He always to go to school by _________, like bus or train. It's eco-friendly and cheap.
public transportation
The ________ of the city is better than the countryside. There are more hospitals, schools and police stations.
I want to plant a big apple tree in my garden but there's not enough _________
I don't have my own _________. So I have to call for a Grab driver.
We all love the _______ air of the countryside. So we moved there to live.
She loves the ________ of the country side. There is no noise at all and every is quiet.
There is too much __________ in the city. It gives me headache all the time.
I love the ___________ in the countryside, there are many birds, trees, flowers and even a waterfall.
There are a lot of things to do for ___________ in the city. For example, amusement park, theater, shopping center.