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Robert Munsch Trivia

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What was the first story Robert Munsch made up?
How much time does it take for Robert Munsch to write a good story?
About 2 years
Robert Munsch receives about __________________ letters a year.
10, 000 letters
Most of Robert Munsch's books are based on real kids. True or False?
Before he started writing books, Robert Munsch was a ____________________
Robert Munsch has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. True or False?
False. He has a star on the Canada Walk of Fame.
Robert Munsch books are only popular in Canada. True or False?
False. They are popular all over the world.
What was the first Robert Musnch book to be published?
Mud Puddle
How many books has Robert Munsch written?
Over 50
Where does Robert Munsch live?
Ontario, Canada
Where did Robert Munsch grow up?
Pennsylvania, USA