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ENGLISH 6 UNIT 1: Choose the best answer

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_________ Bobby often ________ physics experiment after school? A. Does – do B. Is – do C. Does – doing D. Is – does
A. Does – do
Don’t go climbing without the necessary __________. A. uniform B. pocket money C. equipment D. share
C. equipment
My sister always has a lot of new ideas. She’s a __________ person. A. creative B. hard-working C. quiet D. healthy
A. creative
In order to keep __________, you should eat well and exercise regularly. A. warm B. excited C. healthy D. quiet
C. healthy
Do you know where our new __________ is? Our teacher wants to meet him. A. poem B. classmate C. swimming pool D. gym
B. classmate
We only have time for a snack at __________. A. lunch B. gym C. meals D. break time
D. break time
I don’t like to __________ money from friends. A. pay B. knock C. borrow D. help
C. borrow
My son is just 2 years old and he is in __________ now. A. kindergarten B. secondary school C. overseas D. high school
A. kindergarten
Listening to music is one of the most popular leisure __________. A. kindergarten B. activities C. hobby D. equipments
B. activities
At break time, I go to the library and _________ books. A. go B. read C. play D. listen
B. read
_________ morning exercise is good for you. A. doing B. studying C. having D. playing
A. doing
At lunchtime, you can _________ lunch in the school canteen. A. be B. go C. do D. have
D. have
How _________ your father _________to work? A. do – travel B. is - travel C. are – travel D. does – travel
D. does – travel
How often do you surf on the Internet? __ “_________” A. Yes, a lot B. Every day C. Yes, I do D. In my free time
B. Every day
Are there many tall trees in the park? ___ “_________” A. Yes, there is B. Yes, there are C. Yes, it is D. Yes, they are
B. Yes, there are
He _________ the cinema often. A. don’t goes B. doesn’t goes C. doesn’t go D. don’t go
C. doesn’t go
Don’t buy _________bread at the shop. There’s a lot of in the kitchen. A. any B. some C. a D. many
A. any
“_________ books are they?” ___ They’re mine. A. What B. Who C. Whose D. Which
C. Whose
He doesn’t have _________ money. A. a B.an C. some D. any
D. any
My father is _________ man. A. a old B. an old C. not young D. not very young
B. an old
Minh often goes _________ in the mountains on the weekend. A. walking B. walks C. walk D. to walk
A. walking
What _________Ba often do on Sundays? He plays soccer. A. is B. does C. do D. would
B. does
1. We enjoy our summer camping _________ foreign friends. A. with B. of C. in D. at
A. with
Tom _________ football every weekend. A. studies B. has C. plays D. does
C. plays
I sometimes _________ to the cinema. A. go B. goes C. going C. to go
A. go