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Possessive Adjectives

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do you think your father likes ........... birthday present?
Do you think your father likes HIS birthday present?
Mariam and Jennifer like ......... new teacher.
Mariam and Jennifer like THEIR new teacher.
A: What is _______ name? B: My name is Thomas.
A: What is YOUR name? B: My name is Thomas.
I like that picture. ....... colors are very nice.
I like that picture. ITS colors are very nice.
I'd like you to meet ....... English teacher. She is Fernanda.
I'd like you to meet MY English teacher. She is Fernanda.
This is ....... father. He is a bus driver
This is MY father. He is a bus driver
I'd like you to meet ....... mum. She works in a bank
I'd like you to meet MY mum. She works in a bank
My sister and I live in San Luis, but ........ cousins don't
My sister and I live in San Luis, but OUR cousins don't
My friends live in London, but ........ hometown is in Scotland
My friends live in London, but THEIR hometown is in Scotland
Robert is a new student here. ........ nickname is Bobby.
Robert is a new student here. HIS nickname is Bobby.
This is my sister. ........ husband is from Ecuador
This is my sister. HER husband is from Ecuador