Edit Game
Unit 2 review
  • The selected game type is invalid.

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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____ you ____ ____ing video games?
Have you been playing video games?
I ____ ____ ____ing haiku.
I have been reading haiku.
I ____ ____ to the theme park many times!
I have been to the theme park many times!
I see, so ___ ____ ____ you _____ away from home?
I see, so how long have you lived away from home?
My name is Julie, I ____ _____ in France for 3 years.
My name is Julie, I have lived in France for 3 years.
____ you _______ ________ shopping?
Have you already finished shopping?
They ____ _______ ________ their soccer game.
They have already finished their soccer game.
They ____ ________ watching TV.
They have finished watching TV.
So, ___ ____ ____ you _____ in Jamaica?
So, how long have you lived in Jamaica?
David, ____ you _______ ________ your work for today?
David, have you already finished your work for today?
I ____ ________ first in my race!
I have finished first in my race!
Yes, I ____ _____ here for a long time.
Yes, I have lived here for a long time.
Hey Mark. I ____ _______ ________ my painting.
Hey Mark. I have already finished my painting.
Sophie, ____ you ________ that report for Tuesday?
Sophie, have you finished that report for Tuesday?
What ____ you ________ today?
What have you finished today?
___ ____ ____ you _____ in Japan?
How long have you lived in Japan?
I ____ _____ here all my life.
I have lived here all my life.
____ you _______ ________ your exam?
Have you already finished your exam?
I ____ _______ ________ cleaning my room.
I have already finished cleaning my room.
I ____ ________ writing my poem.
I have finished writing my poem.
____ you ________ reading your book?
Have you finished reading your book?