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Your friend has started some physical training to help treat their depression. In the BioPsychoSocial model this is an example of Bio? Psycho or Scoail?
Biological (arguable social too)
A teacher is diagnosed with MDD and is started on medication. Which neutransmitter is this likely to target? Melatonin or Seratonin?
Seratonin- SSRI
Peter wants to do an experiment to see whether year 10s having their phone with them in class to revise improves their mood. What is the IV?
whether or not students have their phones
That thing where your body jolts suddenly when youre falling asleep is called a __________ jerk
The EOG measures
Eye muscle activity
An EEG measures
Electrical activity of the brain.
The region of the brain responsible primarily for memory formation is the
The psych exam is held in a big room with 200 people. John is upset with this because he learnt all his info in CE1. John would like to do the exam in CE1 so he can use ____________ dependent cues.
Ollie had an expereince as a 4 year old with an angry dog on the street. As a teen he isnt aware of it but when the family wanted to get a dog he voted against getting one. What tyype of forgetting is this
Repression - unconscious
Henry had a tough time at dancing classes one night with an embarrasing situation. He now consciously thinks about other things when his mind wander to that time. What type of forgetting is this?
Suppression cause its conscious
After learning a new TikTok dance, Will can no longer remember the one he learnt last week. this is an example of ___active interference
Retro - new interfering with old
Tom's teachers al call him by his older bother's name (Hamish). What type of interference are they experiencing? Proactive interference or Retroactive
Proactive - old info block the new
Which nerve carries touch information to the brain?
Tactile (touch) information is processed by the Somatosensory cortex - T or F
What is the of STM? Is it 10-30 seconds or 0.5 to 7 seconds
Up to 30 seconds
What is the approximate duration of sensory memory? Is it 10-30 seconds or 0.5 to 7
0.5 to 7
What is the capacity of sensory memory - is it 5-9 items or virtually unlimited?
virtually unlimited