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Impulse 2 Unit 3 vocabulary revision

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_______________ (Czy powtórzyleś już słownictwo) yet?
Have you revised/reviewed the vocabulary yet?
_______________ (Ta lekcja trwa ) for 20 minutes.
The lesson has lasted
_______________ (Czy Ty kiedykolwiek odpisałeś) from your classmate?
Have you ever copied homework
____________ (Poszło mi źle) in the exam
I did badly in exam.
Choose the WRONG ANSWER. After he________________ (ukończył szkołę średnią), he joined the Army.
graduated high school
graduated from high school
finished high school
left high school
a degree
for a test
from school
a test
for a test
a degree
an exam
from school
Are you a teacher who wants to learn new skills for your job? If yes, our course is just for you. Specialists will show you different techniques to ____________ students to learn more.
(Poszło mi dobrze) _______________ in the exam
I did well
Which verb does 'course' collocate with?
All answers are correct.
enrol on
In our American English conversation classes you will__________ your skills three times a week in a group of other American English fans
During the course you will find out how to __________ students’ group projects successfully. For more information, visit our website
an exam
a test
a degree
from school
graduate ___________
from school
for a test
an exam
a degree
for a test
a test
an exam
a degree
I’d like to start attending ______________
a fast-reading course, but I haven’t heard of any schools o
all your grades at the end of the school year.
conversations with native speakers
the school certificate and finally have some rest
If you don’t work hard regularly, it can be impossible to improve
all your grades at the end of the school year
the school certificate and finally have some rest
a fast-reading course, but I haven’t heard of any schools
behind with schoolwork and needed the teachers’ help
What university subject has to do with court, legal problems, social institutions, history, rules?
What university subject has to do with broadcasting, digital tools, newspapers, latest news, advertising?
media and communication
What university subject has to do with biology, animals, laboratory, medicines, anatomy?
veterinary science
Scholarships are only available to ______ students in our school
I didn’t like my primary school much, but my __________ school was just great. It prepared me for university really well
high school/ secondary school
Many students are quite stressed before__________ exams, but I think they show us what we should focus on while learning for the real one