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Inventions and Inventors

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What invention revolutionized the way we cook by introducing a more efficient and controllable heat source? It was developed by James Sharp.
The gas stove
Which inventor is associated with the development of the first successful steamboat?
Robert Fulton
Which scientist and inventor developed the theory of relativity?
Albert Einstein
Which inventor is known for developing the first successful airplane?
The Wright Brothers (Orville and Wilbur Wright)
Who is known for inventing the first practical electric motor?
Michael Faraday
What invention enabled the storage and playback of sound recordings? It was invented by Thomas Edison.
The phonograph
Who is credited with inventing the first practical television?
Philo Farnsworth
What invention allowed for the distribution of electrical power over long distances, leading to the electrification of cities? It was developed by various inventors, with Nikola Tesla playing a significant role.
The electrical grid
Which scientist and inventor is famous for discovering penicillin, the first antibiotic?
Alexander Fleming
Which inventor is responsible for the development of the printing press?
Johannes Gutenberg
What invention revolutionized the way we capture and preserve visual memories, allowing for the development of photography? It was developed by Louis Daguerre and Joseph Nicéphore Niépce.
The camera
Who invented the World Wide Web?
Tim Berners-Lee
What invention revolutionized the way we communicate over long distances, using electrical signals? It was invented by Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail.
The telegraph
Which inventor is known for creating the first practical automobile?
Karl Benz
What invention did Thomas Edison famously develop?
The electric light bulb
Who is credited with inventing the telephone?
Alexander Graham Bell