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( 4A ) spring week 16 vocabulary

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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People have the right to _________ the things they don't want.
The Earth revolves the ________ that joins North and South Poles.
Earth moves in a same _________ around the Sun every day.
There are seasons because Earth's _________ around the Sun.
Earth completes one ___________ on its axis every day.
I woke up early in the morning because there was __________ outside my house.
Scientists discovered a special kind of _________ deep in the ocean.
Lisa was __________ when she found out that she was pregnant.
The child ________(ed) to leave the store because he wants the toy.
The stray dog is _________ because it has not eaten anything for three days.
I will __________ go swimming during summer vacation because it's too hot.
the curved path on which objects in space move around a planet or star
orbit ( n. )
when one object travels around another
revolution ( n. )
a real or imaginary line that an object spins around
axis ( n. )
the action of an object moving in an circle around a central fixed point or axis
rotation ( n. )
to say you will not do or accept something
refuse ( v. )
very shocked or surprised
stunned ( adj. )
any wild living thing but not human
creature ( n. )
s sudden short period of noise
commotion ( n. )
very likely
probably ( adv. )
very hungry
famished ( adj. )