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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You go into your friends drawer and take a shirt home without asking him.
That's not honest. Ask first.
You promised your friend that you would go to the movies when you didn't want to.
Be honest! Don't make promises you won't keep.
Your friend wants to be your girlfriend and you don't want to be her boyfriend. How can you tell the truth without hurting her?
Tell her you want to stay friends.
You found a ball in your yard that wasn't yours and keep it.
That's stealing. Try to find out who it belongs to.
My sister makes a dinner I don't like. I tell her politely that I don't like it.
That's telling the truth without hurting feelings.
You told your friend you would help him clean his room and didn't.
That's not keeping your word. 
Your dad found out you lied about doing your laundry. Will he trust you?
Your dad might not trust you if you lie.
You found $20 on the floor in your house and ask who it belongs to.
That's the honest thing to do!
You found a wallet with money in it what is the honest thing to do?
Try to find out who it belongs to.
You accidentally dropped your phone and broke it. You said the dog stepped on it.
That's lying.
My mom makes a dinner i don't like. I pretend to gag when she gives it to me.
Don't hurt feelings by being honest!
The toilet paper roll is empty. What is the responsible thing to do?
Get another roll for the next person.
My job is to take out the trash. I take it out in time for trash day.
Being responsible is honest.
You take a candy bar from the store without paying.
That's stealing and not being honest.
My friend is watching a nasty video and wants me to be like him and watch it. I don't watch nasty videos.
Be honest and be yourself not like your friend.
My friend looks tired. Should you say "you look like a truck ran you over" or "You look like you are not feeling ok"?
You look like you are not feeling well. Be honest without hurting feelings.
You broke a glass emptying the dishwasher and told your mom the dog broke it.
That's lying. Not honest. Offer to buy another one.
You got something that belongs to you from your mom's purse without asking her and she thought you were stealing.
Not honest. Never go into a purse without asking!
You broke a plate and hide it the pieces so no one will know.
Not honest. Say your mistake and offer to fix it!
Your friend's pants zipper is down and you say "hey dummy, your zipper is down".
Not a good way to tell the truth. Don's hurt feelings with the truth!