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TDP - Restuarants & Food

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A combination of the correct types and amounts of food (chế độ ăn cân bằng dinh dưỡng)
Balanced diet
(adjective) – Containing many of the substances needed for life and growth (giàu dinh dưỡng)
(adjective) – Having a very pleasant taste or smell (ngon)
adjective) – (of food) having a very good appearance or smell that makes you want to eat (ngon miệng)
Mouth-watering / ˈmaʊθ ˈwɔ:tərɪŋ
Food made by using a style of cooking which combines traditional Western techniques and ingredients with those used in Eastern cuisine (ẩm thực kết hợp)
Fusion food
Producing or serving food that is very high quality (sành ăn)
A skilled and trained cook who works in a hotel or restaurant, especially the most important cook (đầu bếp)
A full-service concept with a laid-back, comfortable, family-friendly ambiance and an affordable menu (nhà hàng bình dân phổ biến)
Casual dining
– A prize or title given to a restaurant to show that it is of especially good quality (sao Michelin)
Michelin Star
Connected with cooking or kitchens (thuộc nấu nướng)
An eating plan in which someone eats less food, or only particular types of food (chế độ ăn)
Any meals made up of foods that will not lead you towards your health or weight-loss goals (bữa ăn gian lận)
Cheat meals
Food or smells make you want to eat (gây thèm)
feeling hungry and have a desire or need for food (đói)
To eat the main meal of the day, usually in the evening (dùng bữa)
Cheap, hot food that is prepared and served quickly in a restaurant
Fast food
Businesses such as hotels, bars, and restaurants that offer people food, drink, or a place to sleep
Hospitality industry
Outside eating
– A style of eating that usually takes place in expensive restaurants, where especially good food is served to people
Fine dining
Something especially rare or expensive that is good to eat