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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does 'knackered' mean in BE?
tired, worn-out,beat,exhausted (used to mean 'kill')
What's another way to say 'take the mickey' in BE?
Take the piss
What does 'bants' mean in BE?
Laughter-filled conversations with teasing - in AE it's jsut banter
Discuss the difference between 'uni' and 'college' in the AE and BE?
BE: uni = university and is after college ; AE: college= BE university
What does 'gutted' mean in BE?
It means “very upset” or “disappointed.” The slang, found in the 1970s, is thought to originate from the notion of being sick to one’s guts.
What are the informal words for 'pound' and 'dollar'?
quid and buck
Pronounce the word 'lieutenant' in AE and BE.
American: [ loo-ten–uhnt ] British: [ lef-ten–uhnt ]
Pronounce the word 'schedule' in AE and BE.
American: [ skej-ool or skej-oo-uhl ] British: [ shed-yool or shej-ool ]
Pronounce the word 'zebra' in AE and BE.
American: [ zee-bruh ] British: [ zeb-ruh ]
Pronounce the word 'mall' in AE and BE.
American: [ mawl ] British: [ mal ]
Pronounce the word 'advertisement' in AE and BE.
American: [ ad-ver-tahyz-muhnt ] British: [ ad-vur-tis-muhnt ]
Which is American and which is British: defence vs defense?
defense = American ; defence = British
What happens to 're' in American English? Give an example.
It switches - centre vs center
How do you spell 'traveled' in British English?
Double L - travelled
How do you say 'trousers' in American English?
How do you say 'car park' in American English?
parking lot
How do you say (and spell) 'cookie' in British English?
How do you say 'garbage/trash' in British English?
How do you say 'french fries' in British English?