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(How) much/ (How) many - Some/ Any

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I forgot to put ... egg in the pancake batter.
I forgot to put an egg in the pancake batter.
Can you hand me ... banana, please?
Can you hand me a banana?
I have ... apple for a snack today.
I have an apple for a snack today.
Our teacher didn't give us ... homework yesterday.
Our teacher didn't give us any homework yesterday.
Are there ... cookies?
Are there any cookies?
I don't want ... coffee.
I don't want any coffee.
There are ... books in my bag.
There are some books in my bag.
I'm thirsty, I need ... water.
I'm thirsty, I need some water.
He doesn't have ... pens, but I have ... pens.
He doesn't have any pens, but I have some pens.
There is ... juice in the fridge.
There is some juice in the fridge.
How ... shoes are there on the floor?
How many shoes are there on the floor?
How ... monkeys are there in the zoo?
How many monkeys are there in the zoo?
How ... eggs are there on the table?
How many eggs are there on the table?
How ... oranges are there in the fridge?
How many oranges are there in the fridge?
How ... money have you got?
How much money have you got?
How ... sugar is there in our kitchen?
How much sugar is there in our kitchen?
How ... water is there in the bottle?
How much water is there in the bottle?
How ... rice do we have?
How much rice do we have?