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Places in a neighbourhood, There is /are (positi ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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......................... bridges in the neighbourhood.
There aren't any bridges in the neighbourhood.
............................. a fire engine in front of the fire station.
There is a fire engine in front of the fire station.
......................... an ambulance car there.
There is an ambulance car there.
....................... a small shop between the school and the supermarket.
There is a small shop between the school and the supermarket.
There aren’t any rivers in the neighbourhood.
.............................any rivers in the neighbourhood.
....................... a police station next to the fire station.
There is a police station next to the fire station.
....................... houses opposite the cinema.
There are houses opposite the cinema.
..................... a library in front of the cinema.
There is a library in front of the cinema.
......................... a sports centre in front of the swimming pool.
There is a sports centre in front of the swimming pool.
............................... any museums in the neighbourhood.
There aren’t any museums in the neighbourhood.
............................... a tree next to the supermarket.
There is a tree next to the supermarket.
......................... any trees behind the shop.
There aren’t any trees behind the shop.
..........................a cinema opposite the shop.
There is a cinema opposite the shop.
................. trees behind the park.
There are trees behind the park.
...........................a police station opposite the school.
There is a police station opposite the school.