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Review 1º Bachiller

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Rep Speech: She told us "Don't touch!"
She told us not to touch
Rep Speech: She asked me "Where do you want to eat tonight?"
She asked me where I wanted to eat that night
Rep Speech: She asked me "How was your holiday?"
She asked me how my holiday had been
Rep Speech: "Would you mind waiting a moment for me?"
She asked me to wait a moment for her
Rep Speech: The teacher told us "don't be silly!"
The teacher told us not to be silly.
Rep Speech: She said "He got married last year"
She said that he had got married the previous year
Rep Speech: "I've never learned how to ride a bike" - admitted John.
John admitted that he had never learned how to ride a bike
The opposite of "healthy"
The opposite of "trust"
The opposite of "willing"
The opposite of "active"
The opposite of "capable"
You look great! I can see that you keep fit. You're...
not out of shape
out of shape
You seem stressed. You need to find ways to relax.
You should take up meditation
You should work out
You should eat a well-balanced diet
Your legs are weak. You need to strengthen your muscles. You should start to...
work out
put on weight
well-balanced diet
Keep trying. Don't give up! I know you can...
achieve your goal
be out of shape
take up
set your goal
When you've been ..., you haven't failed
scored your goals
When you've ..., you've got better at something
risked your life
When you've ..., you've won
beaten an opponent
checked for drugs
Voc: Individual athletes, like teams, often have c... who help them prepare and practice.
Voc: Which English football team has won the most Premier League c...?
Voc: She lost today's tennis match in one of her weakest p... ever.
Voc: His a... include reaching the summit of Mt. Everest
Voc: Better ability to concentrate is one of the b... of getting enough sleep