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22/23 School Year

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What 3 countries make up North America?
Canada, USA, Mexico
Who won the Champions League?
Real Madrid
Who was the Bears #1 draft pic this year?
Caleb Williams
What are the three primary colors?
red, blue, yellow
How many bones does an adult human have?
What NFL team does Taylor Swift's boyfriend play for?
Kansas City Chiefs
What two famous artists had a big argument this year?
Drake and Kendrick Lamar
What city will hold this summer's Olympic Games?
Paris, France
How many years ago did they last group of cicadas come out?
13 or 17
Finish the statement: "Skibidi Toilet _____________"
"The sky was a smoldering fire pit" is an example of what type of figurative language?
"The clouds were like cotton balls" is an example of what type of figurative language?
"The smell was so bad I could smell it a thousand miles away" is an example of what type of figurative language?
What do we use (what skill) to find the meaning of unknown words before we look them up in the dictionary?
context clues
What is the holy place of worship called for Muslims?
What is the name of the library's online encyclopedia?
What New York City borough is Yankee Stadium in?
The Bronx
What do we call "the universal message of a story"?
What does the Greek/Latin root "chron" mean?
What does the Greek/Latin root "hydr" mean?
What is it called, in an argumentative essay, when you acknowledge and discuss the opposing viewpoint?
Counterargument or Rebuttal
What is the last paragraph in an essay called?
What country is Nadira's family from?
the sentence that clearly states what you are proving in an argumentative essay is called what?
a claim
"Mer" is the Greek/Latin root for ..... ?
the sea
In literature, what do we call the message that the author is sending by choosing the plot, characters and setting?
the theme
Michael Arroyo's family was from what country?