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The History of Pizza

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the name of this topping?
What is the name of this topping?
What is the name of this topping?
Who took the pizza to the United States?
Italian people who moved there
Why is Esposito considered the father of modern pizza?
Because he reinvented the pizza
Why are the Margherita's toppings tomato, cheese and basil?
Because of the Italian's flag colors
What was the name of the Queen who ordered the first special pizza?
Queen Margherita
How do we call the things we put on top of the pizza?
When the word "pizza" appeared, was it like we know it nowadays?
No, it wasn't.
When did the word "pizza" started to appear?
Around 1000 AD
What is the meaning of the word "pizza"?
What is one of the most direct ancestors of pizza?
Is the history of pizza well-known?
No, it isn't.