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Who's the best? By Pao Rosenberg

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The USA is one of ______(large) countries in the world.
The USA is one of THE LARGEST countries in the world.
Love is ______(important) thing in life.
Love is THE MOST IMPORTANT thing in life.
My mom cooks ______(delicious) food in the world.
My mom cooks THE MOST DELICIOUS food in the world.
Summer is ______ (hot) season of the year.
Summer is THE HOTTEST season of the year.
Val and Liz are ______(strong) women in the family.
Val and Liz are THE STRONGEST women in the family.
Mark is ______ (smart) animal I know.
Mark is THE SMARTEST animal I know.
She is ______(happy) woman in the world.
She is THE HAPPIEST woman in the world.
He is ______(busy) one at home.
He is THE BUSIEST one at home.
What's ______(dangerous) animal in your country?
What's THE MOST DANGEROUS animal in your country?
My grandmother is ______(old) person in my family.
My grandmother is THE OLDEST person in my family.
You are ______(bad) cook ever.
You are THE WORST cook ever.
My brother is ______(funny) person in the world.
My brother is THE FUNNIEST person in the world.
Todd's kitchen is ______(clean) of all.
Todd's kitchen is THE CLEANEST of all.
Andy is ________(young) school teacher.
Andy is THE YOUNGEST school teacher .