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Global Circulation System

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What direction do the Trade winds blow in?
Another name for temperature?
Another name for saline (salty)?
Another name for deep ocean currents
Thermohaline circulation:
Name the current that brings cold water from Southern Chile North to Peru & supports lots of marine life
Humboldt Current
Name the stream that brings warm water from the Caribbean Sea to the UK across the Atlantic
Gulf Sream
A term for a fast moving current of air in the upper atmosphere at circulation cells
Jet streams
What layer of the atmosphere are the jet streams?
Name the winds that blow from the tropics (30) to 60 degrees latitude.
Name the winds that blow towards equator?
Trade winds
The term used to describe the deflection of air movement by the earth's rotation
Coriolis Effect
Which gas molecules will rise?
Right-hot air
Which is hot air/which is cold air (use left/right directions)
Left-cold air/right-hot air
Name a latitude line that has low air pressure & explain why.
Name a latitude line that has high air pressure & explain why.
Either tropics or Poles
What is the name for the latitude line 30 degrees South of the Equator?
What is the name for the latitude line 30 degrees North of the Equator?
Tropic of Cancer
Name the cells labelled C
Polar Cells
Name the cells labelled B
Ferrel Cells
Name the cells labelled A
Hadley Cells