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Everyday Idioms

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does 'have a lot on my plate' mean?
It means 'I'm very busy'.
What does 'get on the same page' mean?
It means agreeing about something
What does 'bend the rules' mean?
It means being flexible with rules as long as it is still safe/ok.
What does 'rocking it' mean?
It means doing an awesome job
What does 'you're on fire' mean?
It means you are doing an awesome job
What does 'slipped my mind' mean?
It means 'I forgot'
What does 'covering' a topic mean?
It means talking about that topic.
What does 'screw up' mean?
Did a bad job
What does 'nailed it' mean?
Did a perfect job
What does 'go the extra mile' mean?
Doing more or better than you have to.
What does 'get out of hand' mean?
Out of control
What does 'wrap your head around' something mean?
Try to understand it
What does 'hit the roof' mean?
Get really mad
What does 'make a bee line' mean?
Go straight to somewhere
What does 'throw shade' mean?
To give a angry or upset look
What does 'draw the line' mean?
That's the limit
What does 'on the fence' mean?
What does 'cut it out' mean?
Stop doing that
What does 'cool it' mean?
Calm down
What does 'ghosting' mean?
When someone stops responding to emails/texts/calls
What does 'being extra' mean?
'Being too dramatic or too much'
What does 'break the ice' mean?
'Getting to know each other'.
If someone says "you are pulling my leg"... what does that mean?
"You're joking!" or "You are tricking me."
What does 'call it a day' mean?
'I'm done with this'
What does 'it was a piece of cake' mean?
It was easy!
What does 'up in the air' mean?
It's not decided yet.
What does 'feeling under the weather' mean?
Not feeling well
What does 'sticky situation' mean?
It's a tough problem.
What does 'give it a whirl' mean?
Give it a try
What does 'break a leg' mean?
Good luck!
What does 'raining cats and dogs' mean?
It's pouring hard rain.
What does 'blow your mind' mean?
It's amazing
What does 'hit the road' mean?
Let's go! Time to get going.
What does 'hold your horses' mean?
Wait, stop, slow down!