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The Westing Game Review Ch. 1-20

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What clue do Chris and Denton give to Angela and Sydelle
Why did Mr. Hoo marry Madam Hoo?
For her sauce recipe
What did Crow put in Sandy's flask?
Lemon Juice
What is the answer to the Westing Game
Berthe Erica Crow
What was stolen from Turtle?
Red Boots OR Mickey Mouse Clock
What is Turtle's real name?
Tabitha-Ruth (I will accept Alice)
Who thinks the answer to the game is Otis Amber
Sydelle and Angela OR Theo and Doug
Which partner thinks the game's answer is Ed Plum
Grace and Hoo
Who is missing their father's gold railroad watch?
JJ Ford or the Judge
What kind of doctor is Jake Wexler?
Foot Doctor/Podiatrist
Who is the "champ"?
Doug Hoo
Who is playing Chess with a mysterious person at the Westing Mansion?
What is the Judge's connection to Sam Westing?
He paid for her schooling
Which compass direction does Sunset Towers face?
How many stories high is Sunset Towers?
What is Otis Amber's IQ
Who is the mistake?
Sydelle Pulaski
Who is the bookie?
Jake Wexler
Who is the thief?
Madam Hoo
Who is the detective?
Otis Amber
Why were the tenants stuck inside Sunset Towers
What state does the Westing Game take place?
Who is using a private detective to find out information on the other heirs
Judge JJ Ford
Which two heirs told the story about purple waves & the boys that were scared away from the Westing Estate?
Otis Amber and Sandy McSouthers
How much money did each team get to play the westing game?
Where did the first "bomb" go off?
Theodorakis' Coffee Shop
Angela Wexler went to college for one year. What did she want to be?
a doctor
What does Theo want to be?
a writer
Who did Flora Baumbach make a wedding dress for?
Violet Westing
What was used to set of the bomb in James Hoo's restaurant?
One of Turtle's striped candles
Which heir looks like Violet Westing?
Angela Wexler