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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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it has wings; used to travel; it carries people; it has many seats and window; it goes in the sky.
use it for eating; its made of metal or plastic; used to poke food; it has a handle
it's where you wash up; it has different water temperatures; you use soap with it
you can write with it; it comes in different colors; it has ink
Ice cream
it melts; it tastes creamy and smooth; its cold; it comes in different flavors; you can lick it
follows a pattern; planned; lists days and times; helps keep track
many trees in it; fruit is grown there; bees like it
long; made of asphalt; two or four lanes; cars travel on it
swimming pool
big; has a deep and shallow end; filled with water; has a drain
fun; don't go to work; lasts a week or two; people go on trips during one
loyal; likes us; helps us with problems; fun to be with
cools us off; can be electric; can hang from ceiling; has blades
gives light; has wick; made from wax; can be scented
transportation; goes on a track; long and has many cars connected with each other; can ride in it.
a bag; wear it on your back; put books and other belongings in it
It's furniture. You sleep on it. It has a mattress, sheets, covers, and pillows.
You read it. It has a cover, title, and pages. It is rectangular and it's made from paper and cardboard.
It's a plant. It grows. It loses leaves in the fall. It has a trunk, branches, and leaves. You can sit under it. You can cut it down.
It's a building. You live in it. It has walls, rooms, and a roof.
It's an animal/pet. It barks, sits, eats, and poops. It is furry. It has four legs and a tail. You pet it and take it for walks.
you open and close it; part of an entryway or exit; has a knob/handle; made from wood, metal, or glass
lights up the room; has a cord, a bulb, and a shade; you turn it on and off
you play in it; can use buckets, shovels, and other toys in it; can build things out of it
a vehicle; you drive it; has four wheels, doors, and an engine; can be expensive
round; throw it or catch it; comes in different sizes; used in sports or for fun