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Food Chain

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What does a zebra eat?
It eats grass.
What do seals eat?
They eat fish.
What does a penguin eat?
It eats small fish, floating crabs and squids.
What do elephants eat?
They eat grass, tree bark and leaves.
What does a giraffe eat?
It eats leaves, seed pods, flowers, and fruit.
What does a black bear eat?
It eats any size herbivores except bees, medium omnivores, eggs from chickens and snakes, snakes, frogs, honey, fruit.
What do lions eat?
Lions eat zebras and other animals.
What do pigs eat?
Pigs eat earthworms, cockroaches, eggs from chickens and snakes, fruit, and grain.
What does a chicken eat?
A chicken eats earthworms, spiders, grain, and fruit.
Is the zebra a herbivore?
Yes, it is.
Are seals carnivores or herbivores?
Seals are carnivores.
Is the penguin a carnivore?
Yes, it is.
 Are elephants herbivores or omnivores?
Elephants are herbivores.
Is the giraffe a herbivore?
Yes, it is.
Are black bears omnivores?
Yes, they are.
Are lions omnivores?
No, they aren't.
Are pigs carnivores?
No, they aren't.
Is the chicken a herbivore?
No, it isn't.